Old County Courthouse ~ Sepia Scenes

Oops! A little late!  We are in the throws of packing to head to South Carolina.  Might not post next week, but I’ll try!

Took a couple night shots of Wichita.  Didn’t get a lot of time because it was really late [1am] and my husband was rather nervous about being in that part of town.  I like this one though.  It’s the old Sedgwick County Courthouse, in use from 1888 to 1959. 

Please Visit:

More Sepia Scenes

Thanks for visiting! Hope the New Year is going well!

Sepia Scenes Exploration Place

For more Sepia Scenes, go HERE!

This is the Exploration Place in downtown Wichita, KS, on the Arkansas River.  It is a museum of sorts that encourages hands-on exploration and investigation of science for all ages.  A really neat place to visit, maybe taking three hours or less to go through.   Click here for more: http://www.exploration.org/

Please click to enlarge!

And here’s the color:

Thanks for visiting and thanks for all the wonderful comments!

Scenic Sunday: Sunsets Are Seldom the Same

It’s Scenic Sunday again!  I’ve gone with a sunset theme, and couldn’t pick just one picture. 

Thanks for visiting and I hope you enjoy!  As always, click on the pictures to enlarge them.

For more Scenic Scenes, go HERE!

Sun and Ice

Badlands Burning Clouds

Sinking Badlands Sun

It doesn’t matter where you are; to get a good sunset, you need the sun, some clouds, and a good view to the West!

Some crepuscular wildlife hoping around during sunset.  This is One Eyed Jack, a desert cottontail that lived in the Badlands over this past summer.  He had a rough little life and started out as a wee one that met some hungry predator with poor aim.  Jack roamed around and, amazing us all, made it into late summer with his one good eye.  This is the last time I saw him.  We had a report of a child picking him up outside the Visitor Center, which is where this picture was taken the night before that report, and we never saw him again.  Either someone took him home [can you imagine taking a WILD animal out of a National Park???  Two years ago, I confiscated a juv. swallow from some visitors that were taking him back to Chicago from YELLOWSTONE! wow!] or Jack and his one good eye couldn’t keep away from the Great Horned Owl below. 

Great Horned Owl with a Perfect Perch