
I’ve been mesmerized by nature from a young age; tadpoles and pill bugs were some of my first playmates. I also took an interest in art during elementary school, encouraged by my father, who paints, draws, and sculpts, and grandmother, a watercolor painter. Today, I explore nature through my job as a seasonal park ranger and through my hobby of photography. I hold a BA in Spanish, a BS in Outdoor Recreation and Resource Management with a focus in Interpretation, and plan to complete a Masters in Park and Public Land Management soon. I am also working on teaching myself photography [the only art medium I avoided in my formal education!]. I feel that learning is a life-long journey and obligation–the never ending story, if you will, and this blog-eight years and counting, is a reflection of that philosophy.

I often am asked where I have been stationed. In truth, seasonal rangers apply to the parks they want to work at, the chances of getting in are slim [so we apply to as many as possible, where we end up is like spinning a roulette wheel!]. I am amazed at how many people I’ve crossed paths with that had been in the same place at the same time, yet years later and states away we run into each other!

11 thoughts on “About

  1. Oh my gosh…I did a double take on this page when I came to the St. Gaudens photos…my folks retired to Brownesville Vermont and I LOVE St. Gaudens…it’s on the way to my sisters house in Plainfield NH!! Anyway, your blog is delightful and I’m glad I found it through being Twitter friends! Cathy

  2. First – I love the title of your blog.

    Second – I adore your photos and I can hardly believe you’ve never taken photography courses.

    Third – My partner and I were just in Charleston this past weekend. We plan to come visit again in about a week – the 25th – 28th. Thanks to your blog I will be seeing Charleston through new eyes.

    Last – Do you have Facebook? I’d love to add you as a friend. :)

  3. Hi Shaina: Good to “meet” you! You’re doing exactly what my husband and I are setting out to do. I have about 30 applications in at USAJobs—-BLM, National Park Svs, and with the Forest Service. This is my first go round but at least on some jobs I could see that I was rated “Most Qualified” up to Grade 7.

    It’s a confusing process. Do you have any “words of wisdom”? I will be very appreciative of any help you can offer.

    I’m on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/cr8vfocus. If you send me a message, that would be great.

    – Caroline

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